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  Morrissy AS, Garzia L, Shih DJ, Zuyderduyn S, Huang X, et al.Divergent clonal selection dominates medulloblastoma at recurrence. Nature. 2016 Jan 13. doi: 10.1038/nature16478.
  An international research team from dozens of research institutions, including the United States and Canada, has found evidence that recurrent cancer in medulloblastoma patients does not necessarily come from the same source as the primary tumor. The results, published in nature recently, describe their genetic work using mouse models to sequence the whole genome of human tumors, their findings and what researchers think needs to be done to better treat patients.
  The researchers learned whether the tumors formed after surgical removal of the first tumor were genetically identical to the primary tumor. Because after surgery, the treatment methods are customized based on the genetic spectrum of the primary tumor to resist the growth of new tumors, this research is of great significance. To do this, the researchers used the Sleeping Beauty transposon system to induce medulloblastoma formation in test mice. They then tracked this by simulating the typical course of treatment prescribed to human patients - about 60% of human patients have relapses. The researchers sequenced tissue samples taken from primary and recurrent tumors.
  The final sequencing results were surprising, 23 identical insertion sites were identified in 11 primary tumors and 40 identical insertion sites were identified in recurrent tumors. However, the insertion sites between primary tumors and recurrent tumors were "extremely different". The team then sequenced the entire genome of small-scale human primary and recurrent tumors. They report "striking" genetic differences between primary and recurrent tumors. This suggests that the primary tumor and the recurrent tumor may be completely different clone sources.
  According to the researchers, the recurrence of medulloblastoma is not the result of primary tumor regrowth, but the growth of an unrelated daughter tumor that is not targeted by treatment. They suggest that future clinical trials, including further biopsies, should pay attention to the identification of daughter tumors targeted by different therapies.
  About medulloblastoma:
  Medulloblastoma is a malignant glioma of the posterior cranial fossa in children, which was first named after Bailey and Cushing. The cell morphology of medulloblastoma is similar to that of embryonic medulloblastoma, so this name is used. Medulloblast is a kind of primitive nonpolar cell. In human embryo, it is only seen in the posterior medullary velum, which is consistent with the fact that medulloblastoma is more common in the inferior vermis of cerebellum. Medulloblastoma is the most malignant glioma in the brain.
  Medulloblastoma is a fatal form of malignant tumor that forms near the skull base of the brain - distinct from other brain tumors, which tend to spread to other parts of the brain and / or spine. They are particularly aggressive, with a high recurrence rate after surgery, and painfully many times children are diagnosed with the disease.
  Medulloblastoma is the most malignant glioma in the brain. Its high malignancy is manifested in three aspects: ① extremely rapid growth; ② not easy to remove all the tumor cells; ③ the tumor cells tend to produce disseminated implantation along the cerebrospinal fluid. It mainly occurs in children under the age of 14, and rarely in those over the age of 20. Both Toronto and Philadelphia children's hospital reported that the incidence of medulloblastoma was second only to cerebellar astrocytoma, and ranked second in children's posterior fossa tumors. In children, it accounts for 10.7% of gliomas and 7.6% of intracranial tumors. In the literature, it accounts for 6.5% ~ 10% of gliomas. The average age is 14 years old. Children under 12 years old account for 69% of the total number of patients with this tumor. The gender ratio is 2:1. In children, almost all of them are located in the vermis of cerebellum, protruding into the fourth ventricle, even filling the cistern of cerebellomedullary. Occasionally seen in cerebellar hemisphere. In adults, medulloblastoma is often seen in cerebellum and occasionally in cerebral hemisphere, but some scholars think that medulloblastoma diagnosed as brain is actually neuroblastoma.
  The average survival time was 0.9 years. The prognosis of adults was better than that of children. With the development of clinical medicine and basic research in recent years, the prognosis of patients with Wilms tumor has been improved. At present, most of the 5-year survival rates are over 30%, and the highest is 80%. Individual can survive for more than ten years. Quest believes that the improvement of curative effect is inseparable from the postoperative attention to radiotherapy of the whole brain and spinal cord axis. Bruce believes that in recent years, there has been significant progress in the treatment and results of medulloblastoma in children. Only one of his 15 newly reported cases died, and CT scan showed no sign of tumor recurrence. The prognosis of medulloblastoma is related to many factors. At present, the degree of tumor resection is closely related to the prognosis. Total resection can significantly improve the prognosis, Raimondi believes that there is no significant difference in survival rate between partial resection and simple biopsy.
  Postoperative radiotherapy is an important means to prolong the survival period, and adjuvant chemotherapy also plays a role. In addition, there is a close relationship between patients' age and prognosis. Most of the literature points out that the prognosis of older children and adults with medulloblastoma is better. It should be noted that the prognosis of patients with recurrence and metastasis is much lower than that of the first treatment, even if radiotherapy and chemotherapy are used, they will not get satisfactory results.
  In conclusion, there are many factors influencing the prognosis. There is no doubt that thorough resection of the focus, postoperative radiotherapy with sufficient dose, and chemotherapy and other comprehensive treatment measures may greatly prolong the survival period and improve the quality of life of medulloblastoma patients.
  Original source:
  Morrissy AS, Garzia L, Shih DJ, Zuyderduyn S, Huang





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